Super Seniors 2016

Low Gross of the Field – Bill Christie
Low Net of the Field – Gerald Cournyea

60-64 Age Flight
1st Low Gross – Rick Jaynes
1st Low Net – Wally Dainard
2nd Low Gross – Chris Hawkins
2nd Low Net – Bob Hogeboom
3rd Low Gross – Martin Kerstens
3rd Low Net – Danny Youmelle
4th Low Gross – Dave Elliot
4th Low Net – Charlie Nestorovski

65-69 Age Flight
1st Low Gross – Howard Wark
1st Low Net – Barry Letang
2nd Low Gross – Bill Blake
2nd Low Net – Art Jackson
3rd Low Gross – Mike Fournier
3rd Low Net – George Derue
4th Low Gross – Jim Walker
4th Low Net – Mike Milne
5th Low Gross – Larry McNeill
5th Low Net – Dale Maracle
6th Low Gross – Rick Cunningham
6th Low Net – Bob Kerr

70-74 Age Flight
1st Low Gross – Ron Brown
1st Low Net – John Little
2nd Low Gross – Tom Laland
2nd Low Net – Larry Hogan
3rd Low Gross – Bob Collins
3rd Low Net – John MacArthur
4th Low Gross – Dave Lewis
4th Low Net – Bob Riches

75+ Age Flight
1st Low Gross – Ken Stoke
1st Low Net – George Yonemitsu
2nd Low Gross – Bob Foster
2nd Low Net – Frank Dunham
3rd Low Gross – Ev Mills
3rd Low Net – Roger Dingman
4th Low Gross – Richard Fleming
4th Low Net – Al Thompson
5th Low Gross – Rob Bouroghs
5th Low Net – Glenn Harry
6th Low Gross – Jim Roenspiess
6th Low Net – Ron McClelland
7th Low Gross – Andy Pateneude
7th Low Net – Wayne Kimball


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